- Only 51 days to go until Euro 2024 starts!

Ranking pools Eredivisie

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 10/1/2023 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
25 SVDU-De Weistaar league 6,278 48
27 Nieuwenhof 6,277 31
28 FC Assen Poule 6,276 24
Nacpraat 6,276 103
30 STEVO 6,275 77
31 4e helft 6,269 40
32 Insinger Gilissen 6,268 48
33 De echte voetbalkenners 6,267 31
34 AJZ 6,263 35
35 VG JOT 6,261 18
36 Grolsch Eredivisie 2023/2024 6,259 13
37 De Glazen Bal 🔮 | 2023-2024 6,255 19
38 De Ouwe Zwerver 2.0 6,252 117
SHI Eredivisie Toto 2023/2024 6,252 20
40 Sportief Vechtdal 6,249 47
41 Eredivisie fcu 6,248 18
42 Voetbalkenners Achilles 12 6,247 34
43 BWO 6,243 33
44 Verstandige gokkers 6,242 65
45 FC Tilburg 6,240 47
46 Voetbalkenners.nl 6,238 75
47 Tweakers F.C. 6,237 99
voetbalprofessor 6,237 47
49 Vedettes Van Le Bef 6,233 23
50 five star 6,232 11