- Only 32 days to go until Euro 2024 starts!

Ranking pools Eredivisie

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 10/1/2023 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
299 prijzen zie beschrijving 6,543 9
302 Bierliek 6,542 12
Dartclub "Velve" 6,542 17
Irene FC 23/24 6,542 24
La Familia 6,542 9
Locko down 6,542 9
307 ALSO eredivisie 2023/2024 6,541 15
Biertjetijd 6,541 11
flevoland 6,541 8
NTP Asfaltploeg 6,541 9
311 Moore MKW 6,540 38
Van eerde poule 2022-2023 6,540 14
313 WCR Eredivisie 6,539 9
314 Euroforum 6,538 13
315 Bar zuid vv marienberg 6,537 11
Gennepsquad_Eredivisie 6,537 18
317 Seizoenskaarthouders 🍻 6,536 8
318 gokkie wagen 6,535 10
woeste 6,535 13
320 45+3 legends 6,534 13
EK 2021 45plus3 6,534 11
Juliana10 6,534 11
323 AGV 6,532 10
hilly billys 6,532 10
Schouwen 6,532 12