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Ranking pools Eredivisie

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 10/1/2023 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
776 EredivisieMaster 6,211 15
Football Friends ARC 6,211 5
Sneeberg ++ 6,211 7
780 Eredivisie poule QC-M 6,210 8
781 CC7 6,209 11
Sjemmies 20/21 6,209 8
783 De Iertjes 6,208 5
Fam Stevens 6,208 24
785 Rukbunker 6,207 14
786 Countus Enschede 6,206 5
Fc brimos 6,206 12
HABLHALA 6,206 5
Pieters1974 6,206 13
790 De voorspellers 23/24 6,205 28
Maaslandse Mangers 6,205 17
Ruzinklanden Oud 6,205 5
793 PielSeizoen 23/24 6,204 8
Spannies 6,204 6
Team zonder sterren 6,204 6
796 EREDIVISIE 2022-2023 6,203 12
Poelie 23-24 6,203 12
Voetbalpoules blitterswijck 6,203 13
799 Kroegfossielen 6,202 8
800 BM 6,201 7