- Only 22 days to go until Euro 2024 starts!

Ranking pools Eredivisie

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 10/1/2023 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
800 De Haven en Stromen 7,074 14
Goal Diggers 7,074 13
Meestervoorspellers en lieke 7,074 11
Onderwaterhockeysport 7,074 5
Team Toezicht 2 7,074 5
806 Sjaak van Schie B.V. 7,073 13
807 Huizen veen 7,072 7
Kampioentje 7,072 9
809 De Dubio Trofee 7,070 6
Uitgeest 22-23 7,070 15
811 Qorruptar 7,069 9
Univé Dichtbij 2021-2022 7,069 9
Ut Zasde 7,069 10
814 CVC Veteranen 7,068 16
Toon ballen 7,068 13
816 JNR Competitie 7,067 6
817 5 euro per week 7,066 7
Bierteam eredivisie poule 7,066 7
C.V. de Aester 7,066 12
liemtontour21 7,066 9
Totaal Voetbal 7,066 5
TTV LANDGRAAF 2021/2022 7,066 9
TTV LANDGRAAF 2022/2023 7,066 12
824 CC7 7,065 11
De beloften 7,065 10